Resources page

In a global season of loss, fear, and uncertainty with COVID-19, God is inviting us into a deeper trust in him. Use this season of social distancing and quarantines as an opportunity to draw closer to the heart of God. We want to provide you with a wealth of resources to support you on your journey of faith.

Cick on the links below to go to the desired page.

prayers & Devotions

God invites us into a relationship with Him that is both personal and communal. He speaks to us through His Son, Jesus Christ, the Word-made-flesh. Prayer is our response to God who is already speaking or, better yet, revealing Himself to us. Therefore, prayer is not merely an exchange of words, but it engages the whole person in a relationship with God the Father, through the Son, and in the Holy Spirit.

Traditional Catholic Prayers


Daily Resources

Daily Readings

The United States Conference of Catholic Bishops provides this resource that you can access every day or look up a reading for a future date.

Today’s Reading

Daily mass

Watch the Daily TV Mass every day provided by the National Catholic Broadcasting Council. You can also watch for previous days.

Watch Daily Mass

Why are we here? What’s life all about? 

Sometimes we get so caught up in the depth of our faith that we forget what it was like to first wrestle with the big questions – Who am I? What am I searching for? What’s our shared story? Who is Jesus? Why do we need a Church? Is there a God? We all need to get back to the basics to make sure the foundation is strong.

We are excited to introduce The Search, a new seven part Augustine Institute Original Series with the goal of lighting that first fire in those who don’t yet know the faith or reigniting the fire in those who need a primer on the foundational questions. The Search is now on all Parish FORMED subscription at no additional chargehere in English and La Búsqueda in Spanish


Catholic Apps was created in response to the call to evangelization from Saint John Paul II, and then continued on through Pope Benedict, and of course the call for deeper evangelization from Pope Francis. We aim to review, and share a lot of catholic appsthat can help you deepen your own Catholic faith, or share unique Catholic apps that allow you to share and evangelize your faith with family, friends, and anyone you have a relationship with.


The Pregnancy Care Center


The Pregnancy Care Center offers compassion, direction, and hope to those facing life decisions. All services are FREE and CONFIDENTIAl:. 

*Pregnancy testing                         * Ongoing support

*Prenatal education                        *Childbirth education                   

*Maternity and baby clothing          * Community referrals                                   

*Equipment and supplies                * Parenting education

*Healthy relationships education     *Prenatal vitamins

Open: Mon,Tues, Thur, Fri: 10-3      707-442-2345

24/7 Option line: 800-712-4357



No Cost Limited Obsterical Ultrasounds



J. Rophe Medical provides no-cost limited obstetrical ultrasounds to patients between 7-16 weeks pregnant in a confidential and professional setting, where each client is treated holistically with the utmost care and respect. Other services they provide include pregnancy testing, access to ultrasounds for women in outlying areas via the Mobile Medical Unit, Jenny Grace, prenatal vitamins, referrals to medical and social services, and past abortion recovery help.  All services are free. Open from 10 to 4 Mon–Thurs,  Call 707-444-0423 for an appointment.


Loving Help For Post Abortion Survivors   


Loving Help For Post Abortion Survivors                

 Do not continue to live in shame, fear or numbness:  Rachel’s Vineyard heals hearts broken by abortion. or (707) 967-1101