Sacred Heart Parish

Striving to be a grateful parish following Christ by loving God, and loving our neighbors as ourselves through our words, deeds, and thoughts.

Click on the links below to go to the desired page.


Catholic Kids Media

Catholic Kids Media is an effort to evangelize the culture, providing quality Catholic programming for kids that does not water down Catholicism. We develop resources for parents and teachers to instruct children in the Faith and practices of prayer.


Rosary Every Day of October At Sacred Heart



We invite the whole community to the rosaries in the month of October for Our Lady of Fatima

Starting October 1st through October 31st at the Sacred Heart Church. Monday through Saturday at 6:30pm, Wednesdays at 6:00pm, and Sundays at 11:45am.



All Saints Day Costume / Potluck Celebration


You are invited to celebrate All Saints’ Day and join the entire community of Sacred Heart, St.. Bernard and St. Joseph on October 27, 2024 after the 12:15 Spanish Mass. Guests are invited to share their favorite dish and bring your dish to the Sacred Shed.

In celebration of the Saints, we invite children and parents to come dressed as a Saint.



All Souls Day and Month Intentions


There are All Souls Day envelopes on the tables by the entrances. If you would like to have loved ones remembered at the Holy Mass, please fill out the All Souls Day envelopes with their names. If you wish please include a donation and place the envelope in the collection basket.  They will be placed on the Altar during the month of November.


Art Project at Sacred Heart

The 2nd Year High Schooler’s did an art project yesterday in front of Sacred Heart (with Father’s permission). They drew two murals of St George slaying the dragon and one of Christ carrying the cross! Our lesson was about both the Virtue of Courage but also about the importance of art in the history of evangelizing. 


Farewell to Fr. Sudhakar & Priest Appreciation “Potluck”


Fr. Sudhakar Mannam will be moving to Lakeport.

There will be a potluck celebration in appreciation and farewell at Sacred Heart on November 3 after the 12:15 Mass.

St. Bernard’s potluck in appreciation and farewell will be held on November 10 in the Church Hall after the 10:30 Mass.

Please contact Debbie David (St. Bernard) 707-599-2824 or Susan Lehman (Sacred Heart) 347-446-5508. Please volunteer for these events!


Catholic Detention Ministries Donations Oct. 27-Dec. 1



From Oct 27th-Dec 1st donation boxes will be placed in the churches for Catholic Detention Ministries. They are requesting donations of Christmas cards and small individually wrapped candies. Please only unused Christmas cards with envelopes for the use of the inmates of the Humboldt County Correctional Facility. The facility requests that candies remain in their unopened store packages in which they are sold for safety reasons.

This is a combined effort of the local Catholic churches to put together 300 packages, one for each inmate. This has been much appreciated by the inmates in the past. These people do not have a source of cards to send to their families, so these cards are very welcome. The candies provide a little something nice for these people who find little joy on Christmas. 

Please leave donations at the church or church office no later than Sunday, Dec 1st, when they will be for picked up. For more information or questions call or email St. Mary Church in Arcata.


Looking For The Bulletin?



You can keep up with what is going on at Sacred Heart parish by reading the articles on our NEWS page. You can navigate there by using the menu at the top of the page or by clicking on the link below.

Check out on our Facebook page:


Sacred Heart’s News Page



Liturgy Schedule

Sacred Heart – St. Bernard – St. Joseph Parishes

October 18


12:15 pm – Mass @ St. Bernard Church

6:30 pm – Rosary @ Sacred Heart

October 19


3:15 pm – Confessions @ St. Joseph Church

4:00 pm – Mass @ St. Joseph Church

6:30 pm – Rosary @ Sacred Heart

October 20


7:30 am Mass @ St. Joseph Church      

9:00 am – Mass in English @ Sacred Heart

10:30 am – Mass @ St. Bernard

11:45 am – Rosary @ Sacred Heart

12:15 pm – Mass in Spanish @ Sacred Heart

October 21


12:15 pm – Mass @ St. Bernard Church

6:30 pm – Rosary @ Sacred Heart

October 22


7:30 am – Mass @ St. Joseph

6:30 pm – Rosary @ Sacred Heart

October 23


12:15 pm – Mass @ Saint Bernard

1:00 pm – Confession & Adoration @ St. Bernard Church

6:00 pm – Adoration & Confession @ Sacred Heart Church

7:00 pm  – Spanish Language Mass  @ Sacred Heart Church

October 24


7:30 am – Mass @ St. Joseph Church

11:30 am – Mass @ St. Joseph Hospital Chapel

6:30 pm – Rosary @ Sacred Heart

October 25


12:15 pm – Mass @ St. Bernard Church

6:30 pm – Rosary @ Sacred Heart

October 26


3:15 pm – Confessions @ St. Joseph Church

4:00 pm – Mass @ St. Joseph Church

6:30 pm – Rosary @ Sacred Heart

October 27


7:30 am Mass @ St. Joseph Church      

9:00 am – Mass in English @ Sacred Heart

10:30 am – Mass @ St. Bernard

11:45 am – Rosary @ Sacred Heart

12:15 pm – Mass in Spanish @ Sacred Heart


Catholic News

We have created links to the best Catholic news sites so that you can keep current in the latest national and international Catholic news.


America: The Jesuit Review

Our flagship magazine is the leading Catholic journal of opinion in the United States. First published in 1909, America magazine is known across the Catholic world for its unique brand of opinion and analysis. From theology and spirituality to politics, international relations, arts and letters, and the economy and social justice, America’s coverage spans the globe. We tell the stories that matter most to the church and the world. Our award-winning website is

Go to America: The Jesuit Review


Catholic News Service

Catholic News Service has a rich history of journalistic professionalism and is a leader in the world of Catholic and religious media. With headquarters in Washington, offices in New York and Rome, and correspondents around the world, CNS provides the most comprehensive coverage of the church today.

And in the digital age, CNS is showing a new audience the accuracy that has always been its hallmark with its video journalism and documentary production.

Go to Catholic News Service


Vatican News

Vatican News is the news portal of the Holy See. Surpassing the concept of being a simple digital platform, Vatican News seeks to respond and, in a certain sense, to anticipate the continual changes taking place in communication, with the objective of “communicating the Gospel of mercy to all people” in various cultures. It communicates and interacts through audio, video, text and images on a multi-lingual, multi-culture, multi-channel, multi-media and multi-device plain.

Go To Vatican News in English

Catholic News Videos

Pope Francis meets again with LGTBQ+ activists during Synod. Pope Francis’ statements on gender ideology: the reason that led LGTBQ+ activists to meet with him.

The Pope will canonize 14 Blesseds. 11 of them were killed in Syria by Druze militiamen in 1860.


What heresies have to teach – During the weekly catechesis on the Holy Spirit, Pope Francis reflected on how heresies forced the Church to deepen its faith.


The Pope Video

Let us pray that each of us listen with our hearts to the cry of the Earth and of the victims of environmental disasters and the climate crisis, making a personal commitment to care for the world we inhabit.

Pope Francis – September 2024

Let us pray for the cry of the Earth.
If we took the planet’s temperature, it will tell us that the Earth has a fever. And it is sick, just like anyone who’s sick.
But are we listening to this pain?
Do we hear the pain of the millions of victims of environmental catastrophes?
The ones suffering most from the consequences of these disasters are the poor, those who are forced to leave their homes because of floods, heat waves or drought.
Dealing with the environmental crisis caused by humans, such as climate change, pollution or the loss of biodiversity, begs responses that are not only ecological, but are also social, economic and political.
We must commit ourselves to the fight against poverty and the protection of nature, changing our personal and community habits.
Let us pray that each of us listen with our hearts to the cry of the Earth and of the victims of environmental disasters and climate change, making a personal commitment to care for the world we inhabit.



Public Rosary


Join us for a public Rosary Rally at St. Joseph Church on Saturday, Oct.12th at 12 Noon. Come pray for peace. 

For more information contact Halina @ 707-601-9528.


RCIA:  An Invitation to Satisfy Our Deepest Longing 


 The human heart seems ultimately to manifest itself in the desire to be loved and to love in return.  Until then, as St. Augustine said, our hearts are restless until they rest in God who is Love.  As Catholic Christians, we are privileged to share God’s love through Mass, the Sacraments and how we live our life.

Do you know someone thirsting for God?   Do you know someone not baptized or baptized in a different Christian tradition thirsting to know what it means to be Catholic?  Do you know someone already Catholic but who has not yet received the Eucharist or been confirmed?  They may be thirsting, too.The Rite of Christian Initiation for Adults (RCIA) is a place to ask questions and seek understanding.  Weekly “no strings” inquiry gatherings will be held at 7 pm on Tuesday evenings beginning in September.  We would love for you to invite/accompany anyone you know whose heart is restless for the God who loves them. 

For more information, please contact Liz McGee (707-599-6138) or contact the rectory office.



Simple Daily Ways To Practice Your Faith



A simple way to start your day.

We have begun reposting “The Daily Jolt” by Busted Halo on our Facebook page. It features an inspirational quote followed by  a Microchallenge, which is a simple suggestion of how to practice and live out this idea in your life today.  Often we feel that the task of trying to live out our faith can be overwhelming. The Daily Jolt offers one, easy, simple way to do so.

Check it out on our Facebook page:


Sacred Heart’s Facebook page


Rosary Group on Tuesdays

The Sacred Heart Rosary group invites you to join them on Tuesdays at 11:30 at Sacred Heart Church in the chapel.  We look forward seeing you there.


Text Scam Returns – Do Not Respond

Another Text Scam supposedly from Fr. Bernard or other priests asking for favors, money, gift cards etc. has been going around.

Please disregard. Do not respond!


Sanctuary Etiquette sent by Fr. D’Sa


In the spirit of “I will allure her… and speak to her heart. She shall respond… and she shall call me “My Husband” (Hosea 2:16-18), allow the sanctuary to be a place where others and you can be courted and allured by God.


  • Turn your phones and smart watches completely off before entering.
  • Arrive early and prepare your mind.
  • Enter through the front door.
  • Sit in the center of the pew so others can easily find a seat.
  • If you are late, do not ask someone to move; stand in the back.
  • Please don’t be a distraction: please do not remove or put on clothing; drink, eat, speak, or look around when it is not part of the Mass; add extra words or other distractions to prayers; arrange your hair; etc. Please stay focused so that you and others may be fully receptive.
  • When the final prayer or song from Mass is done, please return the missalettes, check them for order, and remove trash from the pews.
  • Consider dressing, the drive, and the walk to and from the sanctuary as a pilgrimage which is leading to the courtship, and that others may be ruminating on Scripture in their interior space and not necessarily wanting to be social.

    Thank you for your consideration!
    God bless you.


Diocesan Marriage Preparation on the Web



For something so integral and important to a person’s flourishing and happiness and the health of our society marriage is generally given little attention in the world, but the Catholic Church has consistently led the way in educating and supporting couples, preparing them for this magnicent vocation with Christ as its center. Considering Marriage? Check out the diocesan website:

Santa Rosa Diocese Marriage Preparation


We Have A Prayer Team


If you have a special need of any sort, we have a prayer team who will pray on your behalf.  Let us pray with you, and for you.  Surround yourself with prayer. 

Call our prayer line leader Toni 24/7 at (707) 445-361six



Avoid These Online Scams Directed At Catholics




With the prevalence of easy-to-access technology and the vast variety of ways people communicate these days, the pervasiveness of people who make it their mission to scam people out of money using digital trickery is only increasing. We collected some of the most common scams that are directed specifically toward Catholics as well as how to identify and avoid them in order to protect yourself from online criminals. 


Read Entire Article


Catholic Apps was created in response to the call to evangelization from Saint John Paul II, and then continued on through Pope Benedict, and of course the call for deeper evangelization from Pope Francis. We aim to review, and share a lot of catholic appsthat can help you deepen your own Catholic faith, or share unique Catholic apps that allow you to share and evangelize your faith with family, friends, and anyone you have a relationship with.
The 9 am Mass at Sacred Heart on Christmas Morning.HoThelooking